In this message Pastor Tino challenges us to be willing to be pioneers who undergo course corrections, drawing from the life of the Apostle Peter and his encounter with the…
In this message, Pastor Tino shares from Matthew 17 and Exodus 19 about the journey from seeing the back of God at Mount Sinai to seeing the face of God…
In this message Pastor Tino Todino shares from Scripture and his own experience about how the power of love conquers the voice of shame. Once you have listened to the…
In this message Pastor Tino shares about the life journey of pilgrimage using the life of Abraham and personal testimony. He shares 4 key points that will give us encouragement…
In this message Pastor Tino asks difficult questions about the existence of God and the implications of what that means to us day-to-day.
In this message Rob encourages us at the start of this new year to run the race that is set before us by the Lord, unencumbered with the baggage of…