On this page you will be able to stream our latest sermons or download MP3 versions of our older sermons (displayed as 20 per page).  You can click on a series or speaker to view more sermons in that series or by that speaker.  You can also view our sermons on our Facebook page here

If you have a podcasting app on your Phone, PC or Tablet, you can find us by searching for “Kingsway Christian Fellowship Liverpool” or by using the Podcast feed URL.  If you use Itunes you can find us here

Sunday 30th June 2024

30th June 2024

Sunday 16th June 2024

16th June 2024

Sunday 2nd June 2024

2nd June 2024

Sunday 26th May

26th May 2024

Sunday 12th May 2024

12th May 2024

Sunday 5th May 2024

5th May 2024

Sunday 28th April 2024

28th April 2024

Sunday 21st April 2024

21st April 2024

Sunday 7th April 2024

7th April 2024

Sunday 24th March 2024

24th March 2024

Sunday 17th March 2024

17th March 2024

Sunday 10th March 2024

10th March 2024

Sunday 3rd March

3rd March 2024

Sunday 25th February 2024

25th February 2024

Sunday 18th February 2024

18th February 2024

Sunday 11th February 2024

11th February 2024

Sunday 4th February 2024

4th February 2024

Sunday 28th January 2024

28th January 2024

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