Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!
2 Corinthians 9:15
Here you will find details of our Christmas activities @ Kingsway.
Christmas Carolling
We will be carolling in Cambridge Court and Choices day centre on Friday 13th December, and also on South Road next to Waterloo train station on Saturday 14th at 1pm. We will also be handing out invitation to our Carol Service that day and either Mince Pies or sweets to those passing.
Christmas Programme
We have our Christmas Carol and Nativity Service on Sunday 22nd December starting at 4pm, where we will have traditional carols, a nativity telling the story of Christmas and a short presentation by Pastor Tino. Join us for fun, festivities and mince pies as we celebrate the greatest gift, the living Lord Jesus this Christmas.
On Christmas Day we will have a short morning service starting at 10.00am. Come celebrate with us on Christmas morning.
Our usual Sunday service format and programme will resume on Sunday 29th December at 11am.
Other Ministries
All of our main ministries shut down for the Christmas break and will restart in January. We will publish the end and restart dates here in due course.