A growing vibrant church is one that is willing to hear from God and define and refine its vision over time.  Since Pastor Rob was commissioned in March 2015 the vision God has given us is as follows:

Our vision is to

  • Reach the Lost
  • Restore the broken
  • Refresh Believers

The way we want to do this can be expressed in 4 areas of focus within the church.  We call this the 4 pillars.

The 4 Pillars.

We believe that God has given us 4 key areas for the church to develop excellence in.  They are the pillars of our vision.  They are as follows:

  1. Prayer and worship
  2. Small Groups
  3. Children and Families
  4. Healing and Wholeness

Prayer and Worship

We believe that every church is called to prayer and worship. We would like to see everybody in our church enthused with a passion for prayer (in all its forms) and taught how to pray effectively for each other, our communities, Israel and the world.  In line with words from God, we want Kingsway to be a ‘House of prayer for all nations’.

We know we have been gifted with excellent musicians and singers.  As well as developing further in the musical expression of worship we want to explore and use other creative ways to encourage the congregation to live a life of worship, radical love and acceptance.

Small Groups

Small groups are a vital part of any church.  We were all made by God to relate to others in friendship and fellowship and ‘do life’ together.  ‘No man’s an island’ as the song says!

In our small groups you are loved and accepted for who you are. The way our small groups operate is simple. We have 3 blocks of 6 week groups each year (18 weeks in total) that start in September, January, and March.  A person signs up to a group for 6 weeks and attends the weekly meetings.  The meetings usually take place for around an hour.

Small groups run in different locations and at different times and days to accommodate everyone we can.

Children and Families

We believe that children are a blessing from God and as such place high value upon including, encouraging and teaching children as part of the life of the church.  We want Kingsway to be a place where children feel totally welcome, where they are excited to come, where they encounter God and learn how to follow Him, love one another and serve Him in practical ways.  We want parents/guardians to feel energised, supported and cared for.

To do all this we have regular Sunday school classes covering primary and secondary school aged children, a creche for pre-schoolers and a Youth Church for the teenagers.

We also host a mum and tots preschool ministry called ‘Little Angels’ which is regarded as one of the best groups in our area!

Healing and Wholeness

We acknowledge that we are all suffering with the consequences of living in a broken world.  All of us have issues we need God’s help dealing with and want the church to be a centre of excellence in helping people to encounter the life changing power of the Holy Spirit.

We want to be a judgement free zone.  We are all imperfect people and want to be a place where people can take the masks they hide behind completely off and be themselves without fear.  In that environment, we want to give people an opportunity to meet with Jesus and we believe when people do, they begin to transform and over time are made whole (however long that takes!).