Sunday Services
During August we like to give our children and youth ministries some time off to recharge. Over the last few years we have run 1 hour family services with a mix of games, object lessons, Scripture memory verses and worship to engage the whole family. In response to feedback over the years we continue to adapt and refine those Sunday services to better meet the needs of all who attend. This year this is what we are planning to do.
We will start the service at 11am as usual and have an altogether time of worship until 11.30am. At 11.30am we will break for refreshments which we can then take into the next part of our service which will be delivered as two streams. At 11.45am the family service will continue in the main hall and target families and our younger people (and young at heart people!) with object lessons, video, Scripture memory verses, skits, games etc. At the same time the conference room will be open to those that prefer a less high-energy approach and prefer a more traditional form of bible teaching. The service will finish at approximately 12.15pm in both rooms. The church will remain open for fellowship after the service as usual.
It is important to note that both the streams will attempt to cover the same teaching material (on the book of Philippians) just using different methods to suit different audiences!
Summer events
We would like to run a number of different types of event over the summer that are open to all. Picnics in the park, time at the beach and pine woods, coffee mornings, stay and play drop-ins etc. We are in the process of forming teams to organise and facilitate these. If you would like to be involved, please contact Tino or Rob