In this message Pastor Rob addresses the differences between men and women and how we were designed by God to compliment and need each other's gifts, characters and differences. Please…
In this message Dave Courtney continues our series on the books of Peter by sharing about how the God of love wants the best for us, for us to lead…
In this message Pastor Tino shares about the primacy of love within relationships in the church in response to Jesus, Peter and Paul all admonishing us to above all, love…
Part 2. Pastor Rob completes his teaching on this passage. You are not here by chance but by God’s design and for His purpose. You will be encouraged to focus building…
Preaching from 1 Peter 2:4-12 Rob talks about coming to Christ, the living stone where you find your life and renew your spiritual energies.
In this message John Shergold continues our series on the books of Peter sharing from 1 Peter chapter 1 verses 14 onwards on what it means to be Holy.