Session 1 - Part 1 - (Split into 2 recordings due to upload size limitations) As the people of God and Ambassadors of Christ, it is vitally important that we…
In this message Dave Courtney shares about testimonies and their power to change us, our listeners and our perspectives within our circumstances.
In this hard hitting message, Pastor Rob speaks about how we should live as Christ's ambassadors in the time that we live in, waiting patiently for the return of our…
In this message Pastor Rob talks about the importance of not losing our first love. Our passion and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ.
In this message Tino shares about the markers of authentic Christianity being a genuine love for God and a love for others. These great commandments should be the root and…
In this message in our back to basics series, John encourages us to make wise choices in our lives. The choices we make impact our God given purpose, and either…