On this page you will be able to stream our latest sermons or download MP3 versions of our older sermons (displayed as 20 per page). You can click on a series or speaker to view more sermons in that series or by that speaker. You can also view our sermons on our Facebook page here
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Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: Church Online | Pastor Rob speaks of the urgent need for all Christians to be awakened, to trust God's plan and to be filled with…
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Church Online | Listen to David Elms follow on from Malcolm's message last week as he encourages us to cling on to the Lord Jesus…
Preacher: Malcolm Hedding | Series: Church Online | Listen as Malcolm Hedding shares God's Word with us as a church encouraging us to prepare and arise.
Preacher: Dave Courtney | Series: Church Online | Join Dave Courtney as he encourages us from God's Word
Preacher: Tino Todino | Series: Church Online | In this message Pastor Tino shares about the relationship between faith and works within the context of the Kingdom of God.
Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: Church Online | Pastor Rob speaks about devotion to God and one another. Communion brings together individuals who love the Lord into loving community with…
Preacher: Dave Courtney | Series: Church Online | Dave Courtney shares about being in the Fathers house
Preacher: Tino Todino | Series: Church Online | Listen as Pastor Tino shares what it means to be authentically whole as a human being made in the image of God.