15th October 2017

God uses ordinary people

Passage: Acts 4:1-22
Service Type:

Bible Text: Acts 4:1-22 | Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: The Acts of the Apostles

The twelve disciples were ordinary men with personality types we can all relate
to in some measure. They were people just like us and others we know. We
can cringe, knowingly at their faults and failings and identify with those
lightbulb moments and their questioning of Jesus. They were not the great
philosophers and theologians of their day. They weren’t trained speakers,
teachers or people of great influence in their community. As far as the religious
establishment was concerned, they were outsiders and no-marks. They were
men prone to ‘foot in mouth syndrome’, bad attitudes, spiritual ambition, pride,
greed, lapses of faith, dismissive of children, judgemental and who knew bitter
failure. Just the sort of people you want, to show others what God is like!
Jesus even commented they were a bit ‘slow’ spirituality speaking. (Luke

Listen as Pastor Rob shares about what God can do through imperfect people to His glory and praise!

God uses ordinary people

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