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No Compromise

21st June 2020
Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: Church Online | God is awakening his church. Now is not the time to compromise, but to love and serve the Lord with all your…
Preacher: Dave Courtney | Series: Church Online | In this message Dave Courtney speaks on how an extraordinary God is interested in our ordinary lives.
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Church Online | Be encouraged by David Elms as he shares about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the mountains in the Bible.
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Church Online | In this message David Elms shares from Isaiah 43 to encourage us about the Valleys we see in the Bible, leading to…
Preacher: Tino Todino | Series: Church Online | In this message Pastor Tino asks us whether we are persuaded to trust in the word and love of God our saviour
Preacher: Dave Courtney | Series: Church Online | In this message Dave Courtney shares about how the lovingkindness of the Lord is better than life.  We can rely on him…
Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: Church Online | Pastor Rob draws lessons from the account of Elijah on Mount Carmel in 1 kings 18 to encourage the church to restore…
Bible Text: John 9:1-41 | Preacher: Tino Todino | Series: Church Online | In this message Pastor Tino encourages us not to seek out who is to blame but instead…
Preacher: Dave Courtney | Series: Church Online | In this live video Dave Courtney shares about Jesus our High Priest and the veil of the temple being torn in two.
Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: Church Online
Preacher: Tino Todino | Series: Easter 2020 | Watch as Pastor Tino shares his thoughts on the cross this Good Friday.
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Church Online | Watch as Founding Pastor David Elms shares about Palm Sunday and Passover.
Preacher: Tino Todino | Series: Church Online | In times of crisis God gives us grace gifts.  Learn about the gift of reset and redeeming the time in this sermon.
Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: Church Online | Lovely message from Pastor Rob about the devotion of a women aware of her many sins and the devotion of Jesus' washing…

God’s Way

8th March 2020
Bible Text: Matthew 6:33 | Preacher: David Elms | Philosophy asks, "what is a good life and how then should we live?" Dave reminds us to choose the narrow way,…

Going Deeper

1st March 2020
Bible Text: Romans 12:1 | Preacher: Dave Courtney | Dave tells us that God's plan for our lives will not be achieved in the safety of shallow waters. We must…


23rd February 2020
Bible Text: Acts 3:1-26 | Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: Paraclesis | Pastor Rob brings us the final message in the Paraclesis series. The challenge is to connect with the…


16th February 2020
Bible Text: Luke 13:10-17, John 8:2-11 | Preacher: Kate Hutton | Series: Paraclesis | Kate leads us in the 5th in the Paraclesis series looking at the theme of journeying.…

Choose Life

9th February 2020
Bible Text: John 5:1-11 | Preacher: Tino Todino | Series: Paraclesis | Pastor Tino takes us into the second half of our Paraclesis series by asking how we respond to…

Journeying Together

2nd February 2020
Bible Text: Luke 24:13-35 | Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: Paraclesis | In this message Pastor Rob continues the Paraclesis series by encouraging us to follow Christ's example in how…
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