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Bible Text: Mark 8:37 | Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: The Ways of Jesus | “Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?” Mark 8:37 In the…
Bible Text: Hebrews 10:24 | Preacher: Jimmy Brown | Series: The Ways of Jesus | In the second message of our new series on "The Ways of Jesus" Jimmy Brown…
Bible Text: Luke 6: 37-49 | Preacher: Tino Todino | Series: The Ways of Jesus | Pastor Tino starts off a new series on the "Ways of Jesus" bringing out…
Bible Text: 2 Peter 3 | Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: The Books of Peter | Pastor Rob completes the series of teaching in 1 & 2 Peter, bringing a…
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Passover | In this message David Elms gives us the context for Resurrection Sunday by drawing from the passover feast and the 4 cups.

Trials and Tribulations

14th April 2019
Bible Text: James 1:1-5 | Preacher: Gary Valjelo | In this message Gary Valjelo asks us 3 questions Who wants to be more like Jesus? Who wants more faith? Who…
Preacher: Mike Gill | Series: Chosen Nation Promised Land | Michael Gill continues a 3 part series on looking at the Biblical promises made by God to Israel. Session 3…
Preacher: John Shergold | In this message John Shergold reminds us about how God makes all things new and will redeem us all with the wedding feast of the Lamb.
Preacher: Mike Gill | Series: Chosen Nation Promised Land | Michael Gill continues a 3 part series on looking at the Biblical promises made by God to Israel. Session 2…

Holy Overshadowing

31st March 2019
Preacher: Liz Todino | In this message Liz Todino shares a prophetic picture she received from the Lord and the understanding and application God has given her from that picture. …
Preacher: Mike Gill | Series: Chosen Nation Promised Land | Michael Gill begins a 3 part series on looking at the Biblical promises made by God to Israel. Session 1…
Bible Text: 2 Peter 1:1-11 | Preacher: Tino Todino | Series: The Books of Peter | In this message Pastor Tino shares about the process God takes us on that…

The Fire and the Furnace

17th March 2019
Bible Text: Isaiah 31 | Preacher: Jimmy Brown | In this message Jimmy Brown encourages us to do something with the fire (our hunger for Jesus) who is like a…
Bible Text: 2 Peter 1:3-11 | Preacher: Dave Courtney | Series: The Books of Peter | In this message David Courtney shares from 2 Peter chapter 1 and 2 about…
Bible Text: Ephesians 1: 16-18 | Preacher: Rob Payet | In this message Pastor Rob encourages us to open wide the doors of our heart and give access to our…
Bible Text: 1 Peter 3:1-8 | Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: The Books of Peter | In this message Pastor Rob addresses the differences between men and women and how…

God the creator

17th February 2019
Preacher: David Elms | In this message founding pastor David Elms talks about God the creator who keeps His promises to Israel and to us as New Covenant believers.
Bible Text: 1 Peter 4 | Preacher: Gordon Nelson | Series: The Books of Peter | Gordon Nelson encourages us by continuing our series on the books of Peter, this…

Being Yoked to Jesus

20th January 2019
Preacher: John Savage | There is joy and blessing when we choose to be yoked to Jesus. It requires a lifestyle change that says our service to Him comes before…
Bible Text: 1 Peter 4:7-11 | Preacher: Dave Courtney | Series: The Books of Peter | In this message Dave Courtney continues our series on the books of Peter by…
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