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Bible Text: James 1:2-3 | Preacher: John Shergold In this message John Shergold teaches us that faith isn't real until it is tested and when it is, God is truly…
Bible Text: 1 Kings 19 | Preacher: Gary Valjelo In this message Gary shares about how one of the heroes of faith, Elijah, was a man who had a nature…

Keep pressing on

22nd April 2018
Bible Text: Philippians 3 | Preacher: Dave Meath In this message Dave Meath encourages us past our difficulties to recognise who we are and to keep on pressing in and…
Bible Text: 1 John 4:9-10 | Preacher: Dave Courtney Dave Courtney looks at 1 John 4: 9 - 10, the business of Life and what it means to be loved…
Bible Text: John 17: 20-24 | Preacher: Tino Todino In this message Pastor Tino describes the relationship between Father, Son and Holy Spirit and how God wants to replicate that…

Resurrection Sunday

1st April 2018
Bible Text: John 20:1-18 | Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: Easter In this message Pastor Rob shares the story of the resurrection of Jesus and His victory of sin, death…
Bible Text: Isaiah 53:4-6 | Preacher: Tino Todino | Series: Cross, Easter In this Good Friday service reflecting on the Cross of Christ, Pastor Tino encourages us to look at…

The Passover Lamb

25th March 2018
Preacher: Mike Gill In this message Mike Gill teaches about Jesus as the Passover Lamb.
Bible Text: Matthew 25:14-30 | Preacher: Howard Morgan In this message Dr Howard Morgan shares from a well known passage about the Parable of the Talents and how the Lord…
Preacher: Howard Morgan in this message Dr Howard Morgan encourages us into deeper discipleship, more genuine relationship and deeper devotion to the Lord and to each other.
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 1 | Preacher: Tom McLelland | Series: Journey of Faith In this message Tom shares his journey of trust in the Lord in the face of…
Bible Text: John 15 | Preacher: Liz Todino | Series: The Power In this powerful and heartfelt message, Liz Todino shares with humility and passion the power of the ever-present…

The power of testimony

25th February 2018
Bible Text: Revelation 12:11 | Preacher: Dave Courtney In this message Dave Courtney shares about testimonies and their power to change us, our listeners and our perspectives within our circumstances.

A new anointing

18th February 2018
Preacher: David Elms In this message David Elms encourages us to take hold of a new anointing that breaks bondages and stirs up the gifts that are within us.
Bible Text: Acts 20 | Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: The Acts of the Apostles In this message Pastor Rob encourages us to live a life consecrated (set apart) unto…
Bible Text: Acts 4: 34-37 | Preacher: Tino Todino | Series: The Acts of the Apostles In this message Pastor Tino shares 3 points from the life of Barnabas and…

Jon Elms – The Heart

28th January 2018
Bible Text: Matthew 19:14 | Preacher: Jonathan Elms In this message Jonathan Elms shares about how our journey with God begins in the heart, right from when we were children. …
Preacher: Jimmy Brown | Series: Testimony In this poignant and compassionate address Jimmy Brown shares his testimony of how God has walked with him through his mum's (Aunty Marg Brown)…
Bible Text: Ephesians 6:10 | Preacher: Paul Duckworth | Series: Journey of Faith In this message Paul Duckworth compares the journey of faith with the game of golf and cleverly…
Bible Text: Rev 22:12 | Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: New Year In this hard hitting message, Pastor Rob speaks about how we should live as Christ's ambassadors in the…
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