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Preacher: Tino Todino | Series: A Prophetic People | Following on from the teaching this is the Q&A session at the end of the final session of the Prophetic People…
Preacher: Jimmy Brown | Series: A Prophetic People | This is the final session of the Prophetic People series that was held here at Kingsway.  This is the recording of…
Bible Text: Haggai 1:3-15 | Preacher: Jimmy Brown | Series: Crisis? | In this thought provoking and challenging message Jimmy asks the question of whether we coming to a church…
Preacher: Jimmy Brown | Series: A Prophetic People | This is Session 4 part 2 of the series "A Prophetic People".
Preacher: Tino Todino | Series: A Prophetic People | This is session 4 of the series called "A Prophetic People".  In this part Tino gives some guidelines for the safe…

Divine Connectedness

1st December 2019
Bible Text: Col 1:3-14 | Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: Paraclesis | In this message Pastor Rob delves into Colossians 1 speaking of the Christian life as a great celebration…
Preacher: Jimmy Brown | Series: A Prophetic People | A Prophetic People - Session 3 - Hearing God PART 2 Continuing our special midweek sessions on becoming a prophetic people,…
Preacher: Jimmy Brown | Series: A Prophetic People | A Prophetic People - Session 3 - Hearing God PART 1 Continuing our special midweek sessions on becoming a prophetic people,…

Actively Waiting

24th November 2019
Preacher: Dave Courtney | This morning Dave Courtney looks at what it means to wait on God, the difference between active and passive waiting, that’s Gods timing is perfect and…
Bible Text: John 14 | Preacher: Tino Todino | Series: A Prophetic People | Session 2 of our series on becoming a prophetic people gives insight into the person of…

The Name of God

17th November 2019
Preacher: David Elms | In this message Dr David Elms explains the meaning and the development of the name and titles of God in Scripture.
Bible Text: 1 Cor 14:1-3 | Preacher: Jimmy Brown | Series: A Prophetic People | Session 1 - Part 2 - (Split into 2 recordings due to upload size limitations)…
Bible Text: Rev 19:10 | Preacher: Jimmy Brown | Series: A Prophetic People | Session 1 - Part 1 - (Split into 2 recordings due to upload size limitations) As…

Course Correction

10th November 2019
Bible Text: Acts 10 | Preacher: Tino Todino | Series: Crisis? | In this message Pastor Tino challenges us to be willing to be pioneers who undergo course corrections, drawing…

Latent or Blatent

3rd November 2019
Bible Text: Hebrews 2:1-4 | Preacher: Jimmy Brown | Series: Crisis? | In this challenging and uplifting message Jimmy Brown tells us that now is not the time to tweak,…
Bible Text: Romans 15:13 | Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: Crisis? | Looking at Romans 15:13 and Paul’s treacherous journey to Rome, Pastor Rob speaks about hope that overflows in…

Denying Self

20th October 2019
Preacher: Liz Todino | Series: Crisis? | In this message Liz unpacks what it means to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily in following Him. Liz wants to…
Preacher: Paul and Nula O'Higgins | Series: visiting speakers | In this message Paul O'Higgins continues the theme of the feasts of Israel and how they culminate in Christ and…
Preacher: Paul and Nula O'Higgins | Series: visiting speakers | In this message Paul O'Higgins shares about the 7 feasts of Israel and the times and seasons we are in…
Bible Text: Matt 5 | Preacher: Dave Courtney | Series: Crisis? | In this message Dave Courtney shares what it means to be poor in Spirit, to be humble and…
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