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Latent or Blatent

3rd November 2019
Bible Text: Hebrews 2:1-4 | Preacher: Jimmy Brown | Series: Crisis? | In this challenging and uplifting message Jimmy Brown tells us that now is not the time to tweak,…
Bible Text: Romans 15:13 | Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: Crisis? | Looking at Romans 15:13 and Paul’s treacherous journey to Rome, Pastor Rob speaks about hope that overflows in…

Denying Self

20th October 2019
Preacher: Liz Todino | Series: Crisis? | In this message Liz unpacks what it means to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily in following Him. Liz wants to…
Preacher: Paul and Nula O'Higgins | Series: visiting speakers | In this message Paul O'Higgins continues the theme of the feasts of Israel and how they culminate in Christ and…
Preacher: Paul and Nula O'Higgins | Series: visiting speakers | In this message Paul O'Higgins shares about the 7 feasts of Israel and the times and seasons we are in…
Bible Text: Matt 5 | Preacher: Dave Courtney | Series: Crisis? | In this message Dave Courtney shares what it means to be poor in Spirit, to be humble and…

Have we forgotten?

22nd September 2019
Preacher: Tino Todino | Series: Crisis? | Have we forgotten how to live by faith?  Have we forgotten how to listen to and respond to the Holy Spirit?  Have we…

It’s time for take off!

15th September 2019
Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: Crisis? | In this message Pastor Rob challenges us to repent (turn towards) the Lord and depend upon the Holy Spirit to see us break…

Business as usual? Really?

8th September 2019
Preacher: Jimmy Brown | Series: Crisis? | In this message Jimmy Brown brings us an urgent challenge, to move from business as usual to something better, more dynamic, more life…

Rob Payet

1st September 2019
Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: The Transformed Life | The final message in our sermon series on the transformed life.
Preacher: Kate Hutton | Series: The Transformed Life | Continuing our series on the transformed life from the book of Ephesians Kate Hutton shares this week.
Preacher: Mike Gill | Series: The Transformed Life | Continuing our series on the transformed life from the book of Ephesians Mike Gill shares this week.
Bible Text: Ephesians 1 | Preacher: Jon Elms | Series: The Transformed Life | Synopsis to follow
Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: The Transformed Life | This Sunday marks the start of a new sermon series over the summer on the theme of "The transformed life".  Listen…
Preacher: Jimmy Brown | In this message Jimmy Brown paints a picture of the heart of God which is to offer up His hand so that we can take His…
Preacher: Kate Hutton | Series: The Ways of Jesus | Kate Hutton encourages us with teaching drawing from the Lord's prayer.
Preacher: Dave Courtney | Series: The Ways of Jesus | On this Father's day, Dave Courtney once again reminds us of the depth of God's fatherly love for His children.
Bible Text: Luke 10:1-3 | Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: The Ways of Jesus | Continuing our series; “The Ways of Jesus” pastor Rob speaks about the significance of the…
Bible Text: 2 Cor 3:17-18 | Preacher: Tino Todino | Series: The Ways of Jesus | Continuing the Ways of Jesus series, Pastor Tino shares about how God wants not…
Bible Text: John 4:3-30 | Preacher: Dave Courtney | Series: The Ways of Jesus | Dave Courtney continues our series on the Ways of Jesus.  He brings out how Jesus…
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