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Bible Text: 1 Peter 3:8-12 | Preacher: Tino Todino | Series: The Books of Peter | In this message Pastor Tino shares about the primacy of love within relationships in…
Bible Text: 1 Peter 2:4-12 | Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: The Books of Peter | Part 2. Pastor Rob completes his teaching on this passage. You are not here by…

Dave Elms 4th November 2018

4th November 2018
Preacher: David Elms | Synopsis to follow


28th October 2018
Preacher: Eddie Rainger | In this message Eddie Rainger shares his thoughts about the Grace of God and grace for each other.

The Good News of Salvation

21st October 2018
Preacher: Paul and Nula O'Higgins | Paul O’Higgins explains the good news of salvation. Jesus has taken your ‘Rap’ (the list of wrongs held against you), He has given you…

5 Keys to Abundant Living

21st October 2018
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 8:7-8 | Preacher: Paul and Nula O'Higgins | Paul O’Higgins speaks of 5 keys to abundant living from 2 Corinthians 8:7. Abounding in Faith, in speech,…
Bible Text: 1 Peter 2:4-12 | Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: The Books of Peter | Preaching from 1 Peter 2:4-12 Rob talks about coming to Christ, the living stone…

Types and Shadows

7th October 2018
Preacher: David Elms | Founding Pastor David Elms shares about the Feast of Tabernacles and how it is a type and shadow reflected in Christ.

What is our priority?

23rd September 2018
Preacher: Jimmy Brown | In this message Jimmy Brown encourages us to look at what is the priority in our lives and challenges us that in all things, it should…
Bible Text: 1 Peter 1:14-16 | Preacher: John Shergold | Series: The Books of Peter In this message John Shergold continues our series on the books of Peter sharing from…
Bible Text: 1 Peter 1: 1-9 | Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: The Books of Peter | Listen as Pastor Rob begins our new series on the books of Peter. …

Learning to be content

2nd September 2018
Bible Text: Philippians 4:10-21 | Preacher: Kate Hutton | Series: Philippians In this message Kate Hutton shares about the Apostle Paul's writings in Philippians on learning to be content in…

Philippians 4:2-9

26th August 2018
Bible Text: philippians 4:2-9 | Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: Philippians Philippians 4:2-9 Part 7 of our series through Philippians. In this passage We are exhorted to think right. To…
Bible Text: Philippians 2 | Preacher: Jai Edward | Series: Philippians In this message Jai Edward shares about our righteousness before God being entirely dependent on the finished work of…
Bible Text: Philippians 2 | Preacher: Dave Courtney | Series: Philippians Dave Courtney continues our series on Philippians, this time looking at the issue of obedience discussed in Philippians chapter…
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Eschatology Dr David Elms has begun a midweek series teaching on "End times" (Eschatology). Eschatology has several different approaches within Christianity and Dr Elms presents…
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Eschatology Dr David Elms has begun a midweek series teaching on "End times" (Eschatology). Eschatology has several different approaches within Christianity and Dr Elms presents…

Unity in Christ

29th July 2018
Bible Text: Philippians 1:27-2:11 | Preacher: Dave Courtney | Series: Philippians This is the second in a series on the book of Philippians that will take us through to September.…
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Eschatology Dr David Elms has begun a midweek series teaching on "End times" (Eschatology). Eschatology has several different approaches within Christianity and Dr Elms presents…
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Eschatology Dr David Elms has begun a midweek series teaching on "End times" (Eschatology). Eschatology has several different approaches within Christianity and Dr Elms presents…
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