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Bible Text: Philippians 2 | Preacher: Dave Courtney | Series: Philippians Dave Courtney continues our series on Philippians, this time looking at the issue of obedience discussed in Philippians chapter…
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Eschatology Dr David Elms has begun a midweek series teaching on "End times" (Eschatology). Eschatology has several different approaches within Christianity and Dr Elms presents…
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Eschatology Dr David Elms has begun a midweek series teaching on "End times" (Eschatology). Eschatology has several different approaches within Christianity and Dr Elms presents…

Unity in Christ

29th July 2018
Bible Text: Philippians 1:27-2:11 | Preacher: Dave Courtney | Series: Philippians This is the second in a series on the book of Philippians that will take us through to September.…
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Eschatology Dr David Elms has begun a midweek series teaching on "End times" (Eschatology). Eschatology has several different approaches within Christianity and Dr Elms presents…
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Eschatology Dr David Elms has begun a midweek series teaching on "End times" (Eschatology). Eschatology has several different approaches within Christianity and Dr Elms presents…
Bible Text: Philippians 1 | Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: Philippians Pastor Rob begins a new series for the church on the book of Philippians which will take us to…
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Eschatology Dr David Elms has begun a midweek series teaching on "End times" (Eschatology). Eschatology has several different approaches within Christianity and Dr Elms presents…
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Eschatology Dr David Elms has begun a midweek series teaching on "End times" (Eschatology). Eschatology has several different approaches within Christianity and Dr Elms presents…
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Eschatology Dr David Elms has begun a midweek series teaching on "End times" (Eschatology). Eschatology has several different approaches within Christianity and Dr Elms presents…
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Eschatology Dr David Elms has begun a midweek series teaching on "End times" (Eschatology). Eschatology has several different approaches within Christianity and Dr Elms presents…
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Eschatology Dr David Elms has begun a midweek series teaching on "End times" (Eschatology). Eschatology has several different approaches within Christianity and Dr Elms presents…
Preacher: David Elms | Series: Eschatology Dr David Elms has begun a midweek series teaching on "End times" (Eschatology). Eschatology has several different approaches within Christianity and Dr Elms presents…

Love thy neighbour

1st July 2018
Preacher: Liz Todino What does it mean to "love your neighbour as yourself?" In this message Liz Todino shares about the power of Love working thorough us to change people,…

Liberty in Christ

24th June 2018
Preacher: David Elms God wants us to surrender to Him so that we can be filled by His Spirit and connected to His purposes and be truly free. Free from…

So God is moving; Am I?

10th June 2018
Bible Text: Romans 8:4 | Preacher: Liz Todino, Tino Todino In this message Pastor Tino follows on from Jimmy's message last week and challenges us to ask the question "So…

God is on the move

3rd June 2018
Bible Text: Joshua 3:1-4 | Preacher: Jimmy Brown In this message Jimmy Brown encourages us that God is on the move and we need to move from our place and…

Together for the harvest

27th May 2018
Preacher: Nick Harding | We have the most amazing message of salvation. How many times, however, have you wanted to share this, or simply invite someone to a Church event,…
Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: The Acts of the Apostles In this message Pastor Rob shares his understanding of the need for us to be hungry for the presence and…
Preacher: Rob Payet | Series: The Acts of the Apostles Pastor Rob speaks about our motives and attitudes towards giving. Don’t be put off by the subject, this engaging talk…
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